Det talas mycket om spädbarnets behov av en trygg anknytning, fundamentet för att utvecklas till en harmonisk människa.
Men det moderna samhällets rutiner är ofta utformade på ett sätt som stör denna anknytning. Det säger Meia-Chita Tegmark, psykiatriforskare vid Tufts University i Boston. I den här intervjun delar hon med sig av sina personliga erfarenheter som mamma till en tvåårig son.
The War on Childhood
The frequency of depression, anxiety, self-harm and suicide has increased so sharply among young people.
Much is said about the importance of a secure attachment for the infant, the foundation for developing into a harmonious person.
But the routines of modern society are often designed in a way that disrupts and hinders this attachment. Meia-Chita Tegmark is a psychiatry researcher at Tufts University in Boston. In this interview, she shares her personal experiences as a mother of a two-year-old son.